
Скачать торрент Total Commander 11.00 Final (DC 03.08.2023) [2023,Multi/Ru]

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post 04-Авг-23 22:51

Total Commander 11.00 Final (DC 03.08.2023)

Год выпуска: 2023
Версия: 11.00 Final (DC 03.08.2023)
Адрес оф. сайта: Ghisler Software GmbH
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский и другие
Лекарство: в комплекте (файл лицензии)
    Системные требования:
  • 32-bit version only (Windows 95 up to Windows 11, runs on 32-bit AND 64-bit machines!)
  • 64-bit version only (Windows XP up to Windows 11, runs ONLY on 64-bit machines!)
  • 64-bit+32-bit combined download (Windows 95 up to Windows 11, 32-bit AND 64-bit machines!)

Total Commander является самым мощным и стабильным файловым менеджером для Windows с удобным пользовательским интерфейсом. Total Commander продолжает добрую традицию двух-панельных файловых менеджеров, но отличается повышенным удобством и функциональностью, поддерживает плагины, имеет множество встроенных полезных инструментов. В программе предусмотрены функциональные просмотрщики для мультимедиа и графических файлов, распаковщики архивов, клиент, позволяющий скачивать или закачивать файлы в несколько потоков. Предусмотрено также множество других функций, необходимых для эффективной работы с файлами.
Основные возможности:
• Обновлённый пользовательский интерфейс: плоские кнопки под Windows XP, новые иконки файлов, архивов, кнопок дисков и т.д.;
• Возможность установки различных цветов для фона файлов и папок;
• Режим редактирования и ручной синхронизации при сравнении файлов по содержимому;
• Отдельное окно с деревом папок для каждой из панелей – новая концепция для Total Commander особенно понравится владельцам широкоформатных мониторов;
• Во встроенном Листере появилась возможность отображения курсора, центрирования изображений и уменьшения больших изображений;
• Возможность изменения значения полей контентных плагинов в диалоге изменения атрибутов;
• Журнал файловых операций;
• Отображение буквы диска во вкладках;
• Поддержка настраиваемых колонок и эскизов страниц для системных плагинов;
• Инструмент группового переименования файлов позволяет редактировать имена файлов напрямую;
• Добавлены новые опции в диалоге копирования при перезаписи файлов: сравнение по содержимому, переименование, автоматическое переименование, копирование всех файлов — большего или меньшего размера;
• Установлена максимальная длина командной строки;
• Сортировка нескольким атрибутам (колонкам): Ctrl+Click на дополнительной колонке;
• Автозаполнение командной строки, текущей директории, диалога копирования и т.д.;
• Использование комбинации Shift+Del для удаления лишних позиций в выпадающих списках: командной строке, поиске, переименовании и т.д.;
• Безопасное FTP-соединение через SSL/TLS (необходимы дополнительные OpenSSL-библиотеки);
• Настраиваемые пользовательские команды для главного меню и горячих клавиш;
• Алиасы команд (сокращения) для командной строки (для внутренних команд и внешних программ);
• Диалог перезаписи даёт возможность создания превью и настраиваемых полей;
• Возможность файловых операций под учётной записью пользователя с правами администратора (для доступа к закрытым папкам необходимо ввести пароль администратора);
• Поиск на FTP-серверах;
• Создание ZIP-архивов размером более 2GB.
Что нового в версии:
Release Total Commander 11.00 final
02.08.23 Fixed: Inconsistencies between help files and keyboard.txt/tasten.txt (32/64)
02.08.23 Fixed: New text file (Shift+F4): Do not append dot to file without dot in name when the editor is set to notepad++.exe (32/64)
02.08.23 Fixed: Directory hotlist (bookmarks): If there were more than 1000 entries, those above 1000 could sometimes be lost when adding a new entry to a submenu (64)
01.08.23 Fixed: Directory history: Don't show virtual folders with empty name in history (32/64)
01.08.23 Fixed: When switching to tree view (Ctrl+F8), don't apply columns view or sort order from auto-applied view mode (32/64)
31.07.23 Fixed: Tree button in some confirmation dialogs: Don't try to show tree for FS plugin (32/64)
31.07.23 Fixed: Old style directory history (long right click on current path): Drive letters weren't shown all uppercase/lowercase when option DrivesShowUpcase was set to 1/0 (32/64)
31.07.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Don't allow to add entries with "+" button with a file system plugin as source or target (32/64)
31.07.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Prevent beep when pressing Tab or Shift+Tab in edit control by handling WM_CHAR (32/64)
28.07.23 Fixed: If writing of entire section [dirmenu] failed, the entire directory hotlist could be lost -> save backup to file DIR*.TMP in %TEMP% folder (32/64)
28.07.23 Fixed: Help file: Table of content items didn't open with a single click (32/64)
28.07.23 Fixed: Lister: 64-bit only plugins like ulister did not appear in the "Plugins" dropdown menu (64)
27.07.23 Fixed: Button bar, show subbar as menu: Prevent beep when opening context menu with space (32)
27.07.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Prevent beep when pressing Alt+"+" or Alt+"-" by handling WM_SYSCHAR (32/64)
27.07.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: At higher DPI values than 96 (100%), the filter icon may not get completely hidden when showing all files (nothing filtered out) (32)
27.07.23 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: "Verify" checkbox was surrounded with a solid line when focused (32)

26.07.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 release candidate 3
26.07.23 Fixed: Crash unpacking certain ZIP files with XZ compression (64)
26.07.23 Fixed: Updated TCMDLZMA.DLL and TCLZMA64.DLL to LZMA SDK 23.01 (32/64)
25.07.23 Fixed: Verification of ZIP archives can again be disabled with the option [Packer] VerifyZip=0, even when created with the new libdeflate library (32/64)
24.07.23 Fixed: Help files: Use Binary index instead of Sitemap (and use "Compatibility" option 1.1 which is needed for that) to prevent help system crashes on some systems when searching the index (32/64)
23.07.23 Fixed: Button bar, show subbar as menu: Couldn't open item context menu via Shift+F10 or Space (the context menu key can't be used inside a context menu) (32/64)
23.07.23 Fixed: Alt+F10 Tree: Support hotkeys F1, F2 and Ctrl+R also when the input focus wasn't on the listbox (32/64)
23.07.23 Fixed: Alt+F10 Tree: Made "quick search" label right-aligned (32/64)
23.07.23 Fixed: Watch directory changes: When a new file was added, it wasn't inserted in the correct location when sorting by content plugin fields (32/64)
21.07.23 Fixed: In some cases when changing directories while file icons were still being loaded (e.g. for exe files), the last loaded icon was shown on an entry in the new directory (32/64)
21.07.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Don't use "+" and "-" to add/remove files when the focus is on the checkbox or edit box. Instead, use Alt or Ctrl with these keys (32/64)

19.07.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 release candidate 2
19.07.23 Fixed: In some multiple screen configurations, the "Change attributes" dialog could be shown on a different screen than the main window (64)
19.07.23 Fixed: Tab/Shift+Tab didn't work in button bar to switch to next/previous button (64)
18.07.23 Fixed: Branch view, deleting files from different directories to recycle bin could keep the delete progress dialog displayed by mistake (32/64)
18.07.23 Fixed: cm_Edit: Could not open file when a full path was passed via N="name" and the current location was inside an archive (32/64)
17.07.23 Fixed: Vertical button bar: Cursor right/left now behaves like Cursor down/up, respectively (32/64)
17.07.23 Fixed: Space, Shift+F10 or context menu key on overflow button in the vertical button bar now opens the overflow menu (32/64)
17.07.23 Fixed: Shift+F10 didn't open the context menu in the vertical button bar (32/64)
17.07.23 Fixed: The first press of "Cursor right" was ignored in some dialog boxes like cm_FtpDownloadList or cm_PackFiles after putting focus on a button with Tab (64)
17.07.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: When opened via mouse, pressing Tab didn't show focus rectangles for buttons (must call WM_UPDATEUISTATE when Tab or Alt is being pressed) (32/64)
17.07.23 Fixed: Lister: Menu items in "Encoding" menu could be too narrow, e.g. when first opening the Help menu and then very quickly switching to Encoding (caching problems) (64)
16.07.23 Fixed: Button bar: Pressing space on a focused button didn't open the context menu in 64-bit, or made a beep in 32-bit, need to handle it in the "key up" event (32/64)
16.07.23 Fixed: Directory history: Pressing Ctrl+A..Ctrl+Z would open the quick search dialog by mistake, only keep for Ctrl+H=Backspace (64)
16.07.23 Fixed: Vertical button bar: Loop when using cursor up/down when reaching the first/last button like in the top bar with left/right (32/64)
16.07.23 Fixed: Vertical button bar: Fixed cursor navigation when using an overflow menu (Home/End, Enter and Esc on overflow menu) (32/64)
16.07.23 Fixed: Files - Create Checksum File(s): the BLAKE3 radio button was in wrong control order (for cursor keys) (32)
14.07.23 Fixed: Directory hotlist, add entry in submenu or delete entry: Write entire section [dirmenu] to store it in sorted order and much faster, warn if section too big (32/64)
14.07.23 Fixed: Lister misbehaving in search, copy to clipboard and selection when the locale isn't Western but font is set to "Western", with option Encoding - As configured for current font (32/64)
14.07.23 Fixed: Vertical button bar, focus with Alt+Shift+F12: Couldn't navigate across separators with "cursor up" (32/64)
14.07.23 Fixed: Files - Print - File list with subdirs: Random characters in field "Only files of this type" (32/64)
14.07.23 Fixed: When there is an error changing attributes via a content plugin, shorten the name in the title and show it also in the main section of the dialog box (32/64)
14.07.23 Fixed: When using the Start Menu configuration dialog, the last position in the directory menu configuration dialog was overwritten (32/64)
13.07.23 Fixed: cm_Edit: Support environment variables in command field, in option N="name(s)" (32/64)
13.07.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager, background copy dialog (F5-Enter-Background): Only show dialog after moving it to the correct screen position (32/64)

12.07.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 release candidate 1
12.07.23 Fixed: Files - Associate - Edit type - Change icon: Prevent list from showing multiple rows when using high dpi override settings (32/64)
12.07.23 Added: Synchronize dirs: Show directory index, total number of directories, and name of directory of item under cursor (or topmost displayed item if not in view) above the list in the free space near the close button. Left click to jump to previous dir, right click to next (32/64)
12.07.23 Added: Configure directory hotlist (Ctrl+D) or Start menu: Show number of current item (1-based as in wincmd.ini) above the list of entries (32/64)
12.07.23 Added: Configure directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): remember the last shown position in wincmd.ini [Configuration] DirMenuLast= (1-based) (32/64)
11.07.23 Fixed: Add item to subdir of directory menu would lose surrounding quotes from items below that position (32/64)
11.07.23 Fixed: Passing an archive name to Total Commander via command line would call CanYouHandleThisFile with a trailing backslash (32/64)
11.07.23 Fixed: cm_CommandBrowser -> Select "usercmd.ini" -> Press "New.." or "Edit...": Dialog box had wrong title (32/64)
10.07.23 Added: cm_Edit: Support verbs "runAs" and "runAsUser" with L3, opens associated editor as administrator/other user with default verb (32/64)
10.07.23 Fixed: cm_Edit wasn't working with parameter V when not using C (32/64)
10.07.23 Added: New hotkey Alt+Shift+F12 puts focus on vertical buttonbar (32/64)
10.07.23 Fixed: Command browser (e.g. button bar settings, click on magnifying glass): Adjust header positions of right list when resizing left list (32/64)
10.07.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Always recreate dropdown menu for buttons "+" and "#" to ensure correct menu width when switching between the two menus (32/64)
10.07.23 Fixed: Some functions were broken on Windows 9x/ME (reading directories, checkbox width in directory hotlist configuration) (32)
09.07.23 Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): The option to add items directly to a subfolder was lost (64)
09.07.23 Fixed: Shift+F4 and cm_Edit use again WinExec to launch editor unless a verb like "open" is passed to cm_Edit, or one of the flags L2 or L3 is used (32/64)
07.07.23 Fixed: Popup menus: On Windows Vista or newer, use dimensions of themed popup menu items also in dark mode, e.g. in Lister (64)
07.07.23 Fixed: Switching away from standalone synchronize dirs didn't close an open quick search window (64)
07.07.23 Fixed: Directory history, list of open tabs: Drive letters weren't shown all uppercase/lowercase when option DrivesShowUpcase was set to 1/0 (32/64)
07.07.23 Fixed: cm_Edit, or Shift+F4 new file: Opening the editor failed if it was provided in double quotes, e.g. "c:\path\editor.exe" (32/64)
07.07.23 Fixed: cm_PackFiles /T="." /E="7z" would create 7-zip archive (with 7zip plugin, zip archive with total7zip), but with .zip extension instead of .7z (32/64)
07.07.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, compare by content: Removed border around bottom panel while in dark mode (32/64)
06.07.23 Fixed: cm_Edit didn't work with parameters directly after cm_Edit (e.g. on a button) instead of in the parameters field (32/64)

05.07.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 10
05.07.23 Fixed: F4 edit: On 32-bit Windows, pass long name (not DOS name) to notepad.exe also when provided without path (32)
05.07.23 Added: cm_Edit with parameters: Option to open the file with associated program instead of editor, either with or without using internal associations (32/64)
05.07.23 Added: Show speed progress bar also when packing with internal ZIP packer (not when unpacking or verifying) (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Crash when trying to load .lnk file icon in branch view with very long relative name (>256 characters) (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Command browser (e.g. button bar settings, click on magnifying glass): Adjust left (category) list width to make space for the longest string (up to half of the minimum window width) (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Right-align the text "Font:" (32/64)
04.07.23 Added: Improved compare by content by looking for at least 2 matching lines when encountering a difference (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Updated 7zip unpacker dlls (TC7Z.DLL/TC7Z64.DLL) to version 23.01, fixed crash in 64-bit caused by the new dll (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Updated unrar.dll and unrar64.dll to latest version 6.22.0 (32/64)
03.07.23 Added: Internal command cm_edit now supports optional parameters to set edit options: name, create when missing, edit or open, verb for open, use template; see Help - Dialog box: Choose command (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Find files, search in separate process: Do not disable option "Only search in selected directories/files" when switching away from search - instead, un-select it and show warning icon (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Lister: Viewing a file where the name contained Unicode characters from a different code page would keep the directory locked if the drive didn't support alternative 8.3 DOS names (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Operation: The warning shown when clicking on option "Move icon to system tray when minimized" had wrong title (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Directory history, list of open tabs: Quick search would falsely select the character typed to open the search (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: File lists: Only respect case when sorting names when both the name and the extension are the same (ignoring case) (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Abort confirmation dialog (e.g. when copying a large file): Limit button width, don't use entire dialog box width for the buttons (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Directory history, list of open tabs: Enter would open quick search when nothing was selected (64)
02.07.23 Fixed: Popup menus didn't use separate columns for text and shortcuts, e.g. in Lister (64)
02.07.23 Added: Copy files, branch view: Also keep directory time stamps when copying with the background transfer manager (32/64)
30.06.23 Added: Copy files, branch view: When using option "Keep relative paths", copy directory timestamps of directories which didn't exist yet (32/64)
30.06.23 Added: cm_packFiles: Use /T="" or /T="." to pack to source directory with default name, or /T="c:\path\." to pack to given path with default name (32/64)
30.06.23 Fixed: External quick search with tcmatch.dll: The FirstMatch flag was only sent when using the quick filter, not quick search (32/64)
30.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, dark mode: Overdraw result list border also after receiving WM_SIZE messages to avoid bright border (64)
30.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, dark mode: moved right separator of right name column out of the visible area (64)
30.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode: Access violation in button bar drawing function (due to a change in beta 9) when drawing button frames (32/64)
29.06.23 Fixed: Lister: "Copy URL" was still missing from right click menu when right clicking on an URL, only keyboard was fixed (32/64)
29.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode: Several checkboxes still had underlined hotkeys when the dialog was opened via mouse: Custom columns configuration, Find Files, Print preview, Synchronize dirs, Change start menu (32)

29.06.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 9
28.06.23 Added: Installer: New parameter /S tells installer to not install anything to system folders (windows or system) (32/64)
28.06.23 Added: ZIPFROMLIST now supports overwrite flags: -os=skip all, -on=pack all newer (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Find files: IgnoreLinks option no longer worked starting with beta 7 (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Lister: "Copy URL" was missing from right click menu when right clicking on an URL (32/64)
28.06.23 Added: Shift+F4 new file: Create multiple files without opening them by giving the names separated by |, e.g. test1.txt|test2.txt|test3.txt (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Correct sort orders of files differing only in case (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: When uploading files to ftp from a case-insensitive directory, preserve case of matched remote file to not create duplicates (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Scale arrow and overlay icons in overwrite confirmation dialog on higher dpi screens (32/64)
27.06.23 Fixed: Create subdirectory in case sensitive directory: only call function to make it case sensitive too if it wasn't inherited (32/64)
27.06.23 Fixed: Files->Change Attributes, button to pick date/time: Dialog box wasn't properly scaled (32/64)
27.06.23 Fixed: Couldn't set a volume label with Cyrillic text (32/64)
27.06.23 Added: Synchronize dirs: Better handling of case sensitive folders: Case sensitive sync when both sides support case sensitive names, e.g. two local directories or one local and one ftp/plugin (32/64)
26.06.23 Added: Button bar, dark mode: Made button bar buttons look more like regular buttons and drive buttons (32/64)
26.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, dark mode: moved right separator of directory column out of the visible area (64)
26.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, dark mode: Removed border around bottom panel while in dark mode (32/64)
26.06.23 Added: External quick search with tcmatch.dll: Extra values added to flags LeftSide=0x100 (search occurs on the left side), QuickFilter=0x200 (quick search filter enabled), WatchDirs=0x400 (watching directory changes), FirstMatch=0x800 (32/64)
26.06.23 Added: External quick search with tcmatch.dll: New function MatchFileEx taking 3rd parameter 'flags', with values FileList=1, SearchResults=2, Synchronize=3, History=4, TabTitles=5, TabPaths=6 (32/64)
26.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, Windows XP, classic theme: Border around the rename mask wasn't initially drawn when opening the dialog box (64)
26.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, dark mode: Hovering with the mouse over the "F2 Load/save settings" box would move the text sideways by a few pixels (64)
25.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Loading names from file was limited to max 259 characters when converted to UTF-8 (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: In case sensitive directories, files which differred only in upper-/lowercase were sorted randomly, now sort with uppercase first (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Synchronizing from local directory supporting case-sensitive names to FTP could overwrite wrong files if there was already a file with that name on the server (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: cm_UnpackFiles: UnZIPSeparateSubdirs=1 in wincmd.ini was ignored when calling the command with parameters (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Separator between history and most frequently used items was displaced when using smaller fonts (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode, internal English only: All dialog elements still had underlined hotkeys when the dialog was opened via mouse (32)
25.06.23 Added: Configuration - Options - ZIP packer: Automatically surround packer with double quotes when picked with >> button and path contains spaces (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: Zip packer: Deleting files from ZIP failed when path to external packer contained spaces but wasn't put in double quotes (32/64)
23.06.23 Fixed: Custom message dialog (e.g. when aborting copying in the middle of a big file): The new icon field had some default text behind the icon (32)
23.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode: Removed thick white borders around some more context menus: Lister, Synchronize dirs, Compare, Configuration-Misc., Overwrite confirmation, New text file/folder, Multi-rename, Configure button bar/single button, Lister configuration (filters), FTP define host (Alt+Shift+Enter) (64)
23.06.23 Fixed: FTP upload files: No speed display in progress bar when uploading many small files (32/64)
23.06.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager (F5-F2): Remember whether "Speed limit" checkbox was checked or not (32/64)
23.06.23 Fixed: Copying in background via F5-Enter-Background no longer showed the current copying speed, alternating with the file names (32/64)
23.06.23 Fixed: The 4 commands OPENTABSR, OPENTABSL, APPENDTABSR and APPENDTABSL didn't ask for a tab file when no parameter was provided (32/64)
22.06.23 Fixed: After copying with cm_copy /AG with selected target directories, calling cm_copy /AG with no targets would still copy in background by mistake (32/64)
22.06.23 Fixed: Copy file(s) to multiple targets with option 5 (auto-rename copied) could still ask for overwrite confirmation if the copy thread was faster than adding more files (32/64)

21.06.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 8
21.06.23 Fixed: Ignore Windows Hello checkbox when changing master password in FTP connect dialog (Ctrl+F) - Encrypt (32/64)
21.06.23 Added: Directory hotlist: Increased maximum to 2000 entries, max 128k per section, show error if there isn't enough space to save list (32/64)
21.06.23 Fixed: Do not focus controls of type TPanel with cursor keys, e.g. in dark mode about box (32/64)
21.06.23 Fixed: Memory leak packing to ZIP with 0 compression (32/64)
21.06.23 Fixed: Verify checksums: Background button could not be reached by Tab (64)
20.06.23 Fixed: Find files: Result list not refreshed properly after repeating search with Alt+S (32/64)
20.06.23 Fixed: Watch directory changes: Pause updating side when the refresh takes more than 500ms to prevent freezing of main window (32/64)
20.06.23 Fixed: Unified writing of internal commands in the form cm_Word1Word2Word3 also in the help file (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Internal command cm_Copy: Parameter /O was ignored when a default overwrite method was saved in F5 Copy-Options (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Multi-monitor setup: List of open tabs: Quick search would sometimes appear on the wrong screen (32)
19.06.23 Fixed: Multi-monitor setup: New history window, list of open tabs: When opened by keyboard, open on screen which shows most of the current file list (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Windows 7: Opening quick search in list of open tabs would break dialog scale factor, resulting in very small dialog boxes (64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Some redefined hotkeys like Ctrl+L were ignored when the cursor wasn't in one of the file lists. Instead, the original command of that hotkey was executed (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Internal command cm_Copy: Ignore parameter /A when nothing is selected in the target panel, so files get copied in the foreground when it is the default (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Backspace didn't open quick search in 32-bit only (32)
18.06.23 Added: Use "Everything" for tree function also when running as administrator (32/64)
18.06.23 Fixed: Search with "Everything" (without using the ev: or ed: prefix) didn't work when running as administrator (32/64)
18.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Ignore list: When adding names via button, don't insert line break before new entry if list was empty or already ended with a line break (32/64)
18.06.23 Fixed: Copy in background (F5 - Enter - Background): Resource leak calculating the width of the "files copied" and "bytes copied" fields (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: F4 edit: On 64-bit Windows, always pass long name (not DOS name) to editor when no parameter is given (use %1 for short DOS name) (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: Lister: Several problems with right click context menu resolved, like shown twice after one right click, interference with plugins (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: Find files: When starting a search, shorten the time during which the background of the expanded dialog box is shown in black (cannot be avoided completely) (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: List of open tabs, quick search: Do not find text in "Recently closed tabs" header (32/64)
16.06.23 Added: cm_OpenDriveByIndex with positive values now only changes to drives, add 100 to also change to other folder types (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: Changing the display language would still close the help file when changing it multiple times in a row without pressing F1 in between changes (32)
16.06.23 Fixed: External 7z packer couldn't pack files to zip when they started with a space. Same also when deleting files from zip (32/64)
16.06.23 Added: cm_Copy, cm_RenMov: New flag /R determines whether relative paths in branch view should be copied with the files or not (R, R1 mean yes, R0 means no) (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: List of open tabs or directory history: Ctrl+C opened quick search by mistake (64)
16.06.23 Fixed: The option "Show old 8.3 filenames lowercase (like Explorer)" no longer worked in beta 7 (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: F5 copy, abort operation, abort dialog: show tooltip for long names directly below mouse cursor, only shorten names longer than 120 characters (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Prevent paths from being too long and cut off within a character when using a small maximum width like 30 average characters (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Reduced space between path and visit counter to half the icon width (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, right click context menu: Disable more menu items when they are not applicable, e.g. "Delete left" when no files on the left are selected (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Clicking on quick filter button while mouse cursor was above the scroll button would scroll the history list (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: F5 copy dialog, expanded via "Options" button: Could not save option "Rename older target files, skip newer" via save button (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: Pressing Alt in a combobox with edit control didn't show underlines for hotkeys (32)

14.06.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 7
14.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Font combobox didn't correctly support non-English characters in font names (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: cm_copy /AG didn't work unless AlwaysCopyInBackground=2 was set, because it only runs in the background (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode: All dialog elements had underlined hotkeys when the dialog was opened via mouse (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: Static text was showing underlined hotkeys when the dialog was opened via mouse - it should have them only when using the keyboard (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: cm_UnpackFiles /S didn't work (/S1 worked) (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: Changing the display language would close the help file (32)
13.06.23 Fixed: cm_OpenDriveByIndex didn't work with some values when the hotkey contained Ctrl/Shift (32/64)
13.06.23 Fixed: External 7z packer couldn't create directories in zip files with F7 (32/64)
13.06.23 Added: Lister: React to Shift+F10 or context menu key to show context menu at caret position (if shown), or otherwise end of selection (32/64)
13.06.23 Added: Installer: New parameter /I supports parameter 1 to set for all users, or 0 to not write to registry, e.g. /I1".\" in program directory for all users, or /I0 don't write default (32/64)
13.06.23 Added: Installer: New parameter /I"directory name" sets directory of ini files (file name will be appended automatically). Use /I".\" for ini in program directory (32/64)
13.06.23 Fixed: Switching main menu icons off in dark mode wasn't applied until the program was restarted (32)
13.06.23 Fixed: New history window, quick filter enabled: Don't move cursor when the user just enters one or more asterisks (32/64)
12.06.23 Added: Find files: Use blake3 checksum in duplicate file finder (was already in 32-bit since beta 1, now added also to 64-bit) (32/64)
12.06.23 Added: Copy, Move, Upload, Download, Send to plugin, Receive from plugin: Show speed progress bar from the start, not only when receiving speed data (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: CopyOverwriteDefault: a value of 9 couldn't be read from wincmd.ini, it was still limited to 8 from older versions (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: Main menu, dark mode: Don't draw white triangles for submenus when the menu font color is dark and the menu background is brighter than the font (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Only save list of partitions on same drive if changed by the user (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: FTP, upload multiple files: The displayed upload speed in the progress bar was often reset between files (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: From/To text lost when moving HTTP/HTTPS download (Ctrl+N) to background and back to foreground (32/64)
11.06.23 Fixed: From/To text lost when moving WebDAV plugin transfer to background and back to foreground (64)
11.06.23 Fixed: Find files: Increased speed of searching many 1000s of subdirectories by updating the footer only 10 times per second (32/64)
09.06.23 Fixed: Parameters didn't work in hotkeys and the command line for cm_Copy, cm_RenMov and cm_CreateShortcut (32/64)
09.06.23 Fixed: New history window, quick search active: Clicking outside of both history and quick search on main Total Commander window put focus on unrelated other program (32)
09.06.23 Fixed: Keep current state of quick filter button separately in main window, history window, and list of tabs (32/64)
09.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Currently displayed selection of combobox "Scroll list" was lost when changing languages (32)
09.06.23 Fixed: List of open tabs: Right clicking on title "Recently closed tabs" and choosing "Copy as path" from the menu caused an access violation because there was no path (32/64)
08.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, right click context menu: regrouped menu entries, and added extra separators (32/64)
08.06.23 Added: Synchronize dirs, right click context menu: New context menu items added to rename left or right file (32/64)
08.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - ZIP packer: Restored previous width of checkbox "Use internal zip" which was made smaller for 7z field (32/64)
08.06.23 Added: New history window: add extra space to the right of the number of visits and path (32/64)
07.06.23 Fixed: cm_OpenDriveByIndex didn't work as described with negative numbers when drive buttonbars were enabled (32/64)

07.06.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 6
07.06.23 Added: cm_OpenDriveByIndex can now accept negative numbers below -100, where -101 would be the last button instead of the last drive (-1) (32/64)
07.06.23 Added: Completely stop recording most frequently used folders (even temporarily) by setting Maximum items to save and show both to zero (32/64)
07.06.23 Fixed: Re-packing file to ZIP after editing didn't work when using external 7z.exe/7zg.exe as packer (32/64)
06.06.23 Fixed: Quick search in history: set history window as parent so we don't get a separate taskbar icon for the quick search window (64)
06.06.23 Added: cm_OpenDriveByIndex can now accept negative numbers, where -1 would be the last drive (other buttons are ignored) (32/64)
06.06.23 Fixed: F5 copy, move progress dialog to background and back to foreground: Some users reported that the From:/To: text went missing (not reproduced), added some countermeasures and logging (32/64)
06.06.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: When aborting an operation and other operations remain in the list, reset the abort flags so the user can continue the other operations (32/64)
06.06.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: When aborting an operation, close the dialog when the remaining commands are just prefixes (copyflags, sleep or header) (32/64)
05.06.23 Added: OneDrive folder: Allow to skip all files which are only available online when synchronization is currently disabled (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: Quick filter in history: Only start filtering when the user types more than an asterisk * , so folders present in both lists will not be hidden initially (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Clicking on filter button (funnel icon with text "Ctrl+S") in quick search would close the history immediately (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: Quick search in list of open tabs: adjust quick search position when the user types * in quick search to show full paths, keep left aligned if it was before (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: Packing with ZIP method 10 (LZMA) and AES encryption caused access violation, sometimes in verification step (32)
05.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Right click on a file, Left/Right context menu: Rename didn't invoke rename function (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: Don't recreate file panels when the font size changes (e.g. when moving between screens with different DPI), otherwise the current selection is lost (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Always cut trailing slash/backslash from paths passed to external quick search (tcmatch.dll) (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: Internal commands like cm_PackFiles didn't expand parameters like %N in hotkeys (32/64)
04.06.23 Added: The command line (above buttons F5, F6 etc.) now supports commands with parameters, e.g. cm_OpenDriveByIndex 1 or CD %T%M (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Right clicking on another path while a right click menu was already open didn't highlight that path (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Switching "Show all entries" on/off didn't refresh the history list when the history panel width was exactly the same as before (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Increased gap between path and number of visits in most frequently used section (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Don't show trailing backslash/slash (they are all folders) to make DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS work correctly (32/64)
02.06.23 Added: Multi-rename tool: The new option can now be added via "+"-Button (32/64)
02.06.23 Added: Pack files dialog: Also save compression rate if changed directly in the dialog (not just in the configuration) (32/64)
02.06.23 Added: 7z.exe or 7zg.exe can now also be used as an external zip packer (checkbox in Configuration - Options - ZIP Packer). Parameters like -mcu=on can be added directly (32/64)
02.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Button overlap in dark mode (64)
01.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, regular expressions: The parameters \L, \U and \F in the "Replace with" field didn't support accented characters (32)
01.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Choosing "Configure..." in the context menu sometimes failed, instead the directory below the menu was chosen by mistake (64)

[i]31.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 5
31.05.23 Added: wincmd.ini [ColorsDark] HorizontalLines=RGB sets color of horizontal lines between menu bar, button bar, and drive bar (32/64)
31.05.23 Added: Configuration - Options - Color - Others - Dark Mode: Allow to set color of horizontal lines between menu bar, button bar, and drive bar (32/64)
31.05.23 Fixed: Quick search: Make sure the quick search window isn't reaching over the right side of the current screen, e.g. in right list of all tabs (32/64)
31.05.23 Added: List of all tabs (Ctrl+Shift+A): Show drive letter (if it's shown on the tab too) in its own column, and don't show for drive root (32/64)
31.05.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, regular expressions: The parameter \F in the "Replace with" field didn't work any more. Note that \U, \L and \F only work on the parameter immediately behind them, e.g. \L$1 $2 only works on $1 (32/64)
30.05.23 Fixed: In place rename: Cursor movement wouldn't work correctly with CtrlArrow=1 when TWinkey was active (32/64)
30.05.23 Fixed: Unified some hotkey names in English (Control->Ctrl) and German (Umsch->Umschalt) (32/64)
30.05.23 Added: New history window: Choose which part to show when list is opened: Last used directory, most frequently used directory, top, bottom, middle (32/64)
29.05.23 Added: cm_UnpackFiles now supports various parameters to set the checkboxes in the dialog or to start the operation directly (32/64)
29.05.23 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder or [I1] to ignore dots in folder names ([I0] to return to normal), so [N] contains the entire folder name and [E] is empty after this point (32/64)
29.05.23 Fixed: On dual byte character systems (e.g. with Korean locale), when packing to zip with names stored as UTF-8, sometimes an extra slash was appended to directory names (displayed as an underscore) (32/64)
29.05.23 Fixed: Overwrite files: "Overwrite older" no longer considered version numbers, only file timestamps. In older versions, a file was copied if either the version number or the timestamp were newer (32/64)
28.05.23 Fixed: Explorer delete method with Del/Shift+Del: Wait up to 2 seconds until the progress dialog is gone before refreshing the file list, otherwise the current file may not be marked (32/64)
28.05.23 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Allow internal commands with parameters containing commas within double quotes, e.g. in a path (32/64)
28.05.23 Added: New environment variable %COMMANDER_SESSIONNAME% set to "admin" when elevated (IsUserAnAdmin returns true), "user" otherwise (Windows NT based systems only) (32/64)
25.05.23 Fixed: Moving a ZIP unpack or verify operation to the background between two files could cause a loss of updates of the operation (32/64)
25.05.23 Fixed: "Sync:" button in "Compare by content" is a bit larger now to better support translations (32/64)
25.05.23 Fixed: Internal commands with parameters not working for hotkeys with Alt key (32/64)
25.05.23 Fixed: Commands with numeric parameters: The parameter was ignored when used in hotkeys, e.g. command=cm_Select, parameter=5 (32/64)
25.05.23 Fixed: Shift+F4 new file or F7 new folder: Placeholder [C] (counter) not working when using placeholder [f], [F] or [L] in front of it (32/64)
24.05.23 Fixed: cm_Confirmation caused an error (due to the extra added page for history (32/64)
24.05.23 Fixed: ShowLastVisitedInMiddle option was named incorrectly (ShowLastVisiedInMiddle), and its configuration didn't work in 64-bit (32/64)

[i]24.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 4
24.05.23 Added: Show error when a path not surrounded by quotes is passed to cm_Copy, cm_RenMov, cm_CreateShortcut or cm_PackFiles (32/64)
24.05.23 Added: Button bar, start menu, user-defined commands: Internal commands now also support parameters in the Parameter field as long as they are not chained (no comma in command field) (32/64)
24.05.23 Added: History context menu: Moved most hotkeys to strings 2115 ff, so they can be translated individually (32/64)
24.05.23 Added: Pack files dialog now allows to set the compression rate for ZIP, GZ and TGZ directly in the dialog (temporary, not saved). Note that GZ and TGZ don't support 0 and will use 1 instead (32/64)
24.05.23 Added: Double click on checksum file (.md5, .sha1 etc) now checks again all selected files if the double clicked checksum file was selected too (32/64)
24.05.23 Fixed: Don't show error when receiving Ctrl+C on [..] and nothing is selected, because some translation tools send this on a double click (32/64)
23.05.23 Fixed: http download with Ctrl+N wasn't paused while showing the abort confirmation dialog (32/64)
23.05.23 Added: cm_PackFiles now supports various parameters to set the checkboxes in the dialog or to start the operation directly (32/64)
23.05.23 Fixed: Use SendMessageTimeout to inform other TC windows about frequently used directories, so one hanging TC cannot hang all others (32/64)
23.05.23 Fixed: When aborting copying while the operation was between two files, show same dialog style as when showing "Finish copying the current file", but without that option (32/64)
23.05.23 Added: Show icon in dialog confirming copy abort (32/64)
22.05.23 Added: The default of the CtrlArrow option in wincmd.ini is now 0 (disabled) (32/64)
22.05.23 Added: Button bar, start menu configuration: if the existing command starts with a comma followed by an internal or external command, put the newly chosen internal command in front of it (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: FTP connection to other PC, uploads only: "Finish copying the current file" only worked for files in the current directory, a folder was always copied to the end too (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: PORT connection to other PC (e.g. via USB cable), uploads and downloads: "Finish copying the current file" only worked for files in the current directory, a folder was always copied to the end too (32/64)
22.05.23 Added: cm_CreateShortcut: When using parameter /T, append \*.lnk or \*.*.lnk (depending on AppendLnk value) if the user forgot to include it (32/64)
22.05.23 Added: cm_Copy, cm_RenMov, cm_CreateShortcut: Support environment variables in parameter /T="path" (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: Copy in background (F5 - Enter - Background): There could still be a small overlap between number of files and size fields (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: Brief view: Horizontal scrolling didn't go to last column if it had only 1 or 2 entries, and only one column was fully visible (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: List of all tabs (Ctrl+Shift+A): Show drive letter if it's shown on the tab too (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: After changing language, the default extra text in "Storage location for list of most frequently used folders" was lost (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Restore previous option of "Font:" when choosing Custom and then Cancel (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Restore previous option of "Storage location for list of most frequently used folders" when choosing Custom and then Cancel (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: Button bar: When using an unusual icon size, e.g. 40x40 or 42x42, call LoadIconWithScaleDown and LookUpIconIdFromDirectoryEx with that size and not rounded up to the next usual size like 48x48 (32/64)
21.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowLastVisitedInMiddle=0: Show last visited directory at the edge of the history dialog, or in the middle, adjacent to the most frequently used directories (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: ZIP packer: Set UTF-8 flag also when renaming files and the current codepage is UTF-8 (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: ZIP unpacker: When the archive contains the name also in the extra field as Unicode, prefer it over the name in the main header (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: Right mouse button drag&drop, choose "Create shortcut" -> TC would instead move+rename the files when using AlwaysInBackground=2 (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: Copy progress dialog: update maximum speed shown to the right of the bar max. twice per second (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: Improved cursor handling when using CtrlArrow=1, e.g. after Shift+Home (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: Hotkey parameters didn't work in some cases when starting with a number, e.g. FTPOPEN 01 first connection (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: ZIPFROMLIST now accepts flags like -0 also in the parameters field when the command field only contains ZIPFROMLIST itself, e.g. for hotkeys (32/64)
19.05.23 Added: To set a hotkey for a command like SELECTFILEST, choose command SELECTFILES and then set the parameter to T <wildcards> and apply it (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: The following internal commands didn't work with hotkeys: SAVEDETAILS with modifiers A, W and H, SELECTFILES with D, B, U, L, R, T or S, OPENCUSTOMVIEW with L, R, S, T or B (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: The following internal commands didn't work with hotkeys: OPENTABSL, OPENTABSR, APPENDTABSL, APPENDTABSR, SAVESELECTIONA, SAVESELECTIONW, LOADLIST0 (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window, context menu: In English, the hotkey DEL was missing from "Remove directory from history" (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Always show option "Show all entries" in context menu, just show checkmark when enabled so to the user can disable it (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Don't show when the display limit for both history and most frequently used list are set to 0 (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Right clicking on empty space in the list after removing items caused an access violation (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: All hotkeys with an underscore in the name like OEM_, no longer worked (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: OPENBARMENU not working with certain hotkeys like Win+Control+B: the menu would open and close again immediately (64)
18.05.23 Fixed: Commands with parameters not starting with CM_ or EM_ didn't work with Win key in hotkeys (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: EM_COMMANDs with parameters in quotes couldn't be chained if they contained a comma followed by a number or cm_/em_ within the parameters (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Scrolling with mouse wheel didn't work on Windows XP (32)
18.05.23 Fixed: Hotkeys in Configuration - Options - History focused the wrong edit controls (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New pseudo environment variable %$DATE% didn't work on Windows XP and older (32/64)

17.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 3
17.05.23 Added: Uninstaller: Always start as admin if available (highestAvailable in Manifest), delete tcDirFrq.txt when user chooses to remove ini files (32/64)
17.05.23 Added: New pseudo environment variable %$DATE% inserts current date and time in the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss, or use placeholders from multi-rename, e.g. %$DATE:YMDhHmsi% (32/64)
17.05.23 Fixed: Packing with new ZIP packer and AES encryption caused access violation (32/64)
16.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryIcons=1 show/hide icons in directory history (32/64)
16.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryFont=0 sets font for directory history: 0=same as file lists, 1=same as main menu, other=custom font name (32/64)
16.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowFrequentlyUsedMaxInMiddle=0: Show most frequently used directory at the edge of the history dialog, or in the middle, adjacent to the history (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Limit number of history and most frequently used items in history list even when history thinning is disabled, set the limits in Configuration - Options - History (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: New page "History" in main configuration dialog, can also be reached via history right click menu, or cm_HistoryConfig command (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: When showing all items in history (opened with Alt+Cursor down) with Alt+Shift+Cursor down, no scrollbar was added when the initial list didn't need one (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] SaveFrequentlyUsed=(value of SaveHistory): Save frequently used list to tcDirFrq.txt, defaults to same value as SaveHistory (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] FrequentlyUsedLenStored=200 sets maximum number of frequently used directories saved in tcDirFrq.txt (no upper limit) (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Dark mode: When showing copy speed in progress bar, use dark background when using NewStyleProgress=0 (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Cursor movement in rename box (Shift+F6) would jump by 2 characters instead of one when using a dual byte locale like Korean (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Ignore list with plugins: The plugin name wasn't checked when using wildcards, e.g. Secure FTP:\connection\*\name (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: Button bar, start menu: Multiple user-defined internal commands with parameters can now be chained, e.g. em_notepad c:path\file1,em_notepad c:path\file2 (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: Button bar, start menu, internal associations, hotkeys: User-defined internal commands em_name now support parameters, e.g. em_notepad c:path\file. Parameter must be in double quotes if it contains a comma (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Auto-refresh when the file system changes didn't update the caret position when in background and a new file was created (32)
14.05.23 Fixed: OPENBARMENU now also works when the bar file is set via "Parameters" field of the button bar: Overlay icon, changed linked bar via right click, open bar at button position (32/64)
14.05.23 Added: Internal commands which do not start with cm_ or em_ now support placeholders like %P%N in internal associations and user-defined hotkeys, e.g. OPENBARMENU (32/64)
14.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc: Hotkeys with parameters were shown incorrectly with command name doubled, e.g. cm_exit cm_exit 1 (32/64)
14.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc: Some hotkeys with parameters like all F-keys with no modifiers (e.g. F12) were shown twice in the list of user-defined hotkeys (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: File system plugins: The initial directory directly after connecting to a server (e.g. in SFTP) didn't use the ignore list (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: When launching with parameter /A, the path+archive name were added to the history by mistake when an archive was passed as a parameter (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: When launching with parameter /P, the path+file name were added to the directory history by mistake (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: Copy in background (F5 - Enter - Background): Use all available space for number of files and size copied (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Quick search/filter window not scaled correctly on higher DPI screens, but was correct in the main window (64)
12.05.23 Fixed: New history window: After opening and closing the right click context menu, clicking outside the history window sometimes didn't close it (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Right clicking outside the history window now always closes it (32/64)
11.05.23 Added: cm_OpenNewTabOther and cm_OpenNewTabBgOther now also work when there are no tabs on the active side (32/64)
11.05.23 Fixed: After opening a .zst archive, the archive was locked and couldn't be deleted (32/64)

10.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 2
10.05.23 Added: Internal associations now support internal commands, e.g. OPENTABS %1, or ***cm_list %1, which will open Lister with current file on ENTER, or all selected via context menu (32/64)
10.05.23 Added: Installer: New command line parameter /R disables adding uninstall information to the registry, e.g. for a portable installation (32/64)
10.05.23 Fixed: Access violation opening virtual folder My Computer -> Videos -> Captures on Windows 10 (VARIANT structure was too small) (64)
09.05.23 Fixed: Small memory leak (16kBytes) each time when using the new ZIP packer (32/64)
09.05.23 Added: cm_ConfigSaveDirHistory now also saves the most frequently used list (32/64)
09.05.23 Added: When showing copy speed in progress bar, show current speed instead of maximum speed to the right of the bar (only when using new style progress bar) (32/64)
09.05.23 Added: When showing copy speed in progress bar, show tooltip of value at the mouse pointer position (32/64)
09.05.23 Added: cm_listExternal now supports a file name as parameter (32/64)
08.05.23 Fixed: cm_copy: The parameters are now case insensitive (lowercase also supported) (32/64)
08.05.23 Fixed: Show new list of open tabs left-aligned to the mouse pointer when opened by mouse (32/64)
08.05.23 Added: Show copy speed in progress bar also in the background (F5 Copy - Enter - Background) (32/64)
08.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] FrequentlyUsedLen=30 sets number of frequently used directories shown in new history list (Alt+Cursor down) (32/64)
08.05.23 Added: New internal command cm_ConfigLister to directly open Lister settings (32/64)
08.05.23 Fixed: Custom columns view: Wrong or missing column 32 when loaded at startup (32)
08.05.23 Fixed: List of all tabs (Ctrl+Shift+A) was showing & character in "Recently closed tabs" in some languages (32/64)
07.05.23 Fixed: File progress speed display: Made font a bit larger (32/64)
07.05.23 Added: cm_EditNewFile with parameter 1 now creates a new file without opening the editor. Uploads new file to ftp or file system plugin if it doesn't already exist there (32/64)
07.05.23 Fixed: Refreshing current directory with Ctrl+R (cm_RereadSource) didn't invoke any view mode change any more (32/64)
07.05.23 Fixed: New style history: The right edge of the window could reach a few pixels beyond the right side of the screen when the main window was maximized or near the right edge (64)
05.05.23 Fixed: cm_CopyPathOfFilesToClip appended 2 backslashes to parent directories of folders in search results (32/64)
05.05.23 Fixed: The directory hotlist option "Hide menu items starting with this character" was disabled when editing the "Start" menu (32/64)
05.05.23 Fixed: Drag&Drop of file to top item in list (full view): Abort dragging when releasing mouse button while scrolling, to prevent drop on wrong directory (32/64)
05.05.23 Fixed: Do not save most frequently used list if saving of history is disabled in Configuration - Options - Operation (32/64)
05.05.23 Fixed: Button/start menu parameters: Combining %y with %WF/%WL/%UF/%UL would insert the second character in the command line instead of skipping the parameter (32/64)
05.05.23 Added: Hotkeys defined via Configuration - Options - Misc now support commands with parameters (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: New style history: Allow to use cursor up/down while Alt is still pressed, close history on second Alt key press (or Alt release when down on numeric keypad was used) (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Search: Loading saved settings would check "ANSI" option even if the user only checked the "Plugins" option when saving (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: cm_OpenDriveByIndex opened drive in new tab if shift was pressed (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: After focusing vertical button bar with cm_FocusButtonbarVertical, it couldn't be left with ESC any more (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: New OPENBARMENU command now works properly on a button in the button bar: Show popup overlay icon, open bar below the button (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: New OPENBARMENU command now accepts path in double quotes (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Internal commands cm_OpenNewTabOther and cm_OpenNewTabBgOther: The new tab opened in the other panel now gets the directory of the current tab of the active panel (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Ctrl+C copy and delete via Explorer failed for some file types (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Drag&Drop of files from outside of Total Commander to a file panel was broken (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: New history dialog: Always close history, quick search and context menu of history when switching to another application, and make history dialog a child window (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Lister, right click context menu: "Copy as hex" wasn't translated (64)
03.05.23 Fixed: New OPENBARMENU option was missing from the TOTALCMD.INC file (32/64)

03.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 1
03.05.23 Added: During the beta test, ZIP archives created with the new libdeflate library are always tested after packing even with VerifyZip=0 (32/64)
03.05.23 Fixed: Watch directory changes: Using a different auto-refresh mode (Also when size...) was only applied after changing directory (32/64)
03.05.23 Added: New internal command OPENBARMENU opens the passed .bar file as a dropdown menu. Only works when there is a top button bar (32/64)
03.05.23 Added: New option to disable transfer speed in progress bar during file operations: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowProgressBarSpeed=0 (32/64)
03.05.23 Added: Set custom colors for progress bar during file operations: wincmd.ini [Colors] ProgressBarBottom=rgb, ProgressBarTop=rgb. If only the former is set, the latter is calculated as a brighter color (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: Internal command cm_CopyPathOfFilesToClip copies the path of each selected file to the clipboard, e.g. for search results or branch view (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: Internal commands cm_SetTabOptionNormal, cm_SetTabOptionPathLocked, cm_SetTabOptionPathResets, cm_SetAllTabsOptionNormal, cm_SetAllTabsOptionPathLocked, cm_SetAllTabsOptionPathResets set lock state for current or all tabs (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: New internal commands cm_OpenNewTabOther and cm_OpenNewTabBgOther: Opens new tab, but in other file panel (duplicates target tab) (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: Internal command cm_QuickFilter: parameter 1 restores last used quick filter, like Ctrl+Shift+S (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: New internal command cm_listExternal opens current file with external viewer defined for this file type, or default external viewer otherwise (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: New internal command cm_FocusMainMenu to put focus on main menu, simulates press of F10 (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: cm_select, cm_unselect, cm_reverse: Negative parameter toggles only current item, cursor stays in place, e.g. cm_reverse -1 (32/64)
01.05.23 Added: New internal commands cm_QuickSearch, cm_QuickFilter, cm_DriveContextMenu, cm_ShowCmdLineHistory, cm_AddFileNameToCmdline, cm_AddPathAndFileNameToCmdline, cm_RenameTab, cm_OpenDriveByIndex from other file managers (32/64)
28.04.23 Added: Internal command cm_createshortcut now supports optional parameters (see Help - Dialog box: Choose command) (32/64)
28.04.23 Added: When showing transfer speed in progress bar, show maximum of the vertical axis to the right of the bar (32/64)
27.04.23 Added: Internal commands cm_copy and cm_renmov now support optional parameters to set copy options, target, wildcards and option to start immediately (see Help - Dialog box: Choose command) (32/64)
26.04.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: After clicking on 1x button, it wasn't possible to use the Tab key to focus the list of stored filters (64)
26.04.23 Fixed: Drag&drop file to topmost item in brief view not working in other columns than the first when columns take entire panel width, was intercepted by scrolling function (32/64)
26.04.23 Added: Command line parameters (button bar, start menu): New parameter %|envvar| inserts environment variable envvar, e.g. %|windir| or %|$DESKTOP| in the parameter field (32/64)
23.04.23 Added: Show transfer speed in second bar also when using the old progress bar style with NewStyleProgress=0 (32/64)
21.04.23 Fixed: Show current copy speed also when copying many small files, not only when copying big files (32/64)
21.04.23 Added: Show transfer speed of the entire copy operation in the second progress bar when available (32/64)
18.04.23 Added: Quick search/quick filter in directory history: When searching the whole path (search string starts with *), TAB adds lowercase characters from the current file path up to the next \ (32/64)
17.04.23 Fixed: Thumbnails view with only about 1.5 visible rows of images: going up one level could scroll cursor out of view, 1 line above the visual area (32/64)
17.04.23 Added: Quick filter in directory history: Hide duplicate items present both in history and frequently used list (32/64)
16.04.23 Fixed: Store display name of multiple level virtual folder like on Android forms with changed prefix \\: to distinguish from UNC paths, e.g. \\Galaxy S10\Internal memory\Download (32/64)
13.04.23 Added: Configuration - Options - Ignore list: Add file names/path+file names with fs plugin or ftp prefix when needed (32/64)
12.04.23 Fixed: Refresh in c:\windows\temp after restarting Total commander in that directory now asks for admin rights if necessary (32/64)
12.04.23 Fixed: Command line: cd c:\windows\temp would ask for admin rights but still fail to show directory contents in some cases (32/64)
12.04.23 Fixed: Background copy window opened with F5-Enter-Background didn't close when done copying until any foreground overwrite confirmation dialog was closed (32/64)
07.04.23 Added: Ignore list now supports entries for FTP connections: FTP:filter for all FTP connections, or FTP:servername:filter or FTP:>connectionname:filter for a specific server name or connection (32/64)
07.04.23 Fixed: Search in background: Block "Feed to listbox" and "Go to file" while a file operation is active in the foreground of Total Commander (32/64)
06.04.23 Fixed: Trying to move a large folder on the same drive with F6 could take a long time if the user confirmed the operation before the size of the folder could be determined (32/64)
05.04.23 Fixed: In file lists, some characters like emoji were not displayed with certain fonts like Roboto (32/64)
04.04.23 Added: F5 copy: New overwrite mode "Rename older target files, skip newer": Only copy newer files, but don't overwrite older, rename them to keep a copy (32/64)
03.04.23 Added: In place rename, command line: Stop at more non-alphanumeric characters on Ctrl+Left/Right: \/(),.;=''^+-%&!_[ ]{} when CtrlArrow=1 is set in wincmd.ini [Configuration] (32/64)
03.04.23 Added: Command line parameters (button bar, start menu): New parameter %a (lowercase) includes all files from both panels in list parameters like %L, e.g. %a%WL, e.g. for external synchronize dirs use parameters /S=S %X%P %T /O=%y%a%F (32/64)
03.04.23 Fixed: When showing an error with the native error text below, don't show the native error text if GetLastError returns 0 (32/64)
03.04.23 Fixed: When renaming a file and using a colon ':' in the name, show error "Invalid file name" instead of "Write error" (32/64)
03.04.23 Fixed: At 250% display scale, using "All tabs have the same width" would still result in a horizontal tab scroll button at some widths (32/64)
03.04.23 Added: List of all open tabs: When using quick search starting with an asterisk *, display full paths instead of tab names, and apply filter to them (32/64)
02.04.23 Fixed: List of all open tabs: When restoring all recently closed tabs together, the inactive tabs didn't have a view mode/icon (32/64)
31.03.23 Added: History list: Show plugin icons for plugin paths, and FTP icons for FTP connections (32/64)
28.03.23 Added: Show searchable list of all open tabs also by right clicking on the right edge of the tab control, e.g. for multi-line tab controls (32/64)
27.03.23 Added: New internal commands cm_srctabslist, cm_trgtabslist, cm_lefttabslist, cm_righttabslist to show list of all open tabs (32/64)
27.03.23 Added: Show searchable list of all open tabs with Ctrl+Shift+A (as in the Chrome browser), and via right click behind the last tab, or on the <> scroll buttons (32/64)
26.03.23 Fixed: Drag&Drop files to Total Commander: If a program sends the same file name multiple times via CF_HDROP (e.g. TheBat!), use CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST data instead (32/64)
23.03.23 Added: Breadcrumb bar now supports clicking on parent, grandparent folder etc. also in virtual subfolders, e.g. on a connected smartphone (32/64)
22.03.23 Added: Inform other Total Commander instances on the same PC when the user changes the "Start" menu, so they update it too (32/64)
22.03.23 Added: Inform other Total Commander instances on the same PC when the user changes one of the button bars, so they update it too (32/64)
21.03.23 Added: Divide all values by 2 in most frequently used directory list every 30 days, either when the largest counter reaches 10000 or there are at least 100 entries left afterwards (32/64)
20.03.23 Fixed: Rare access violation when reading thumbnails from cache (reason: 2 bytes more decoded than the image size) (32/64)
20.03.23 Added: Command line parameters (button bar, start menu): Combined parameter %Y%y allows empty lists like %Y, but selects file under cursor if nothing is selected (32/64)
20.03.23 Added: Command line parameters (button bar, start menu): New parameter %y (lowercase) keeps other parameters and skips only list file parameters if the list is empty (32/64)
19.03.23 Fixed: Could not open files on cryptomator or rclone volumes mounted as paths, they seem to be implemented as special symlinks (32/64)
19.03.23 Added: Context menu item in History to show/hide most frequently used directories, saved as [Configuration] ShowFrequentlyUsed=1/0 (32/64)
17.03.23 Added: Keep list of frequently used directories synchronized between multiple Total Commander instances on the same PC (32/64)
16.03.23 Added: Set storage location of most frequently used directories file tcDirFrq.txt: [Configuration] DirUsageLocation=, default %LOCALAPPDATA%\GHISLER\ (32/64)
15.03.23 Added: Keep track of most frequently used directories and show them in the directory history in addition to the history entries, at the other end (32/64)
14.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to reverse sort order (last visited directory at the top) (32/64)
13.03.23 Added: Configuration - Options - Misc: Support Numeric keypad keys 0..9 for hotkeys (only works with numlock ON) (32/64)
13.03.23 Fixed: AlwaysCopyInBackground=2, drag&drop confirmation disabled -> the dragged file was not copied in the background transfer manager (32/64)
13.03.23 Added: Directory history list: New context menu items to open directory in other panel, and in new tab of the other panel (except when tabs are disabled) (32/64)
12.03.23 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] QuickSearchHistoryAutoFilter=0: Remember whether quick search filter is enabled in directory history (32/64)
12.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to open path in new tab (32/64)
12.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to show all items when history thinning is enabled. Hotkey: Alt+Shift+Cursor down (32/64)
12.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to copy path to clipboard (32/64)
10.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Quick search in whole path by starting search strings with an asterisk, e.g. *windows will find c:\windows\system32 too (32/64)
10.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to remove entries from history (Hotkey: Shift+Del) (32/64)
09.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Don't limit number of displayed history items when opening history with thinning disabled (with Shift+History button or Alt+Shift+Cursor down) (32/64)
07.03.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Quick search no longer worked (32/64)
07.03.23 Added: Directory history list now supports quick search and a quick filter (Ctrl+S) (32/64)
06.03.23 Added: New style directory history list which is no longer based on a Windows menu and supports quick search (32/64)
03.03.23 Added: Lister: Copy selection to clipboard as hexadecimal characters with Ctrl+Shift+C or via right click menu, not only in hex view (32/64)
03.03.23 Added: Lister, hex mode: Select both the text and hex representation of the file content (32/64)
03.03.23 Fixed: When changing directory with cm_gotopreviousdir and similar commands which set the current item, selecting with Shift+Click selected the wrong range (32/64)
03.03.23 Fixed: Lister, text mode: When scrolling sideways with certain font encodings (e.g. CP865), the characters at the scroll end may not be repainted correctly -> use 2 pixel overlap (32/64)
17.02.23 Added: Unpack BROTLI files with extensions .br . Please note that BROTLI files cannot be detected by content, so other files with that extension can cause an error when unpacking/testing archives (32/64)
17.02.23 Added: Unpack ZSTD files with extensions .zst and .tzst (=.tar.zst) on Windows XP and newer (32/64)
15.02.23 Added: Unpack ZIP files with ZSTD (by Facebook) compression on Windows XP and newer (32/64)
14.02.23 Fixed: Text in comboboxes in Configuration - Options - Icons was getting selected when changing from/to dark mode and (for some users) to a different language (32/64)
14.02.23 Fixed: Don't show "pinned" icon in OneDrive subfolder for ".." in folders where 'Always keep on this device' was checked for the parent folder (2 folders up) (32/64)
14.02.23 Added: Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories pointing to %WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll, ShellExec_RunDLL ..\..\content (32/64)
14.02.23 Added: Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories pointing to %WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe url.dll, FileProtocolHandler ..\..\content (32/64)
14.02.23 Added: Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories pointing to %WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe url.dll, OpenURL ..\..\content (32/64)
14.02.23 Added: Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories pointing to %WinDir%\explorer.exe ..\..\content (32/64)
13.02.23 Fixed: Lister: When started via command line, e.g. %commander_exe% /S=L "%1", ignore a trailing dot in passed file names (32/64)
13.02.23 Fixed: FTP: If the number of visited folders is so high that we can't store FTP*.TMP files any more, turn off directory caching and store the latest as FT2*.TMP (32/64)
10.02.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with option "Empty directories": when using a filter to only sync certain files, some folders were marked for deletion which were not empty (32/64)
10.02.23 Fixed: Button with LOADSEARCH command would check "ANSI" option even if the user only checked the "Plugins" option when saving (32/64)
10.02.23 Fixed: Prevent crash when receiving WM_DPICHANGED message at program start before the main menu has been created (64)
10.02.23 Added: Copy to clipboard/save to file functions: When saving results of the duplicate file finder, add an extra empty line between two file groups (32/64)
10.02.23 Fixed: Load registration key from registry also from the alternate branch from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (32-bit branch for x64 version and vice versa) (32/64)
08.02.23 Added: File system plugins and FTP: Show new option "Finish copying the current file" when aborting copying in the middle of a file. Aborts the operation after the currently copied file (32/64)
03.02.23 Fixed: Directory history: Couldn't return to previous directories in nested virtual folders due to a virtual folder parsing bug in Windows 10/11 ParseDisplayName function (32/64)
03.02.23 Added: Show full path with all parents in nested virtual folders, e.g. when accessing a phone (32/64)
02.02.23 Added: Show free and total space of Android devices in the base folder, e.g. in "Internal memory" or the base directory of the SD card (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Warn user about duplicate files even when the problem happened only later in the rename operation, e.g. due to newly added files (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Rename to temporary file not working any more, e.g. when renaming 1.txt->2.txt and 2.txt->1.txt (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Falsely warned user about duplicate files when renaming certain files in branch view (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Branch view, sort by extension, size or time: Sort by directory if both extension and name are the same (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): Error saving changed hotlist when the [dirmenu] section became longer than 64 kBytes in a Unicode UTF-16 wincmd.ini (max supported by Windows is 128 kBytes UTF-16) (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: FTP: When editing a file with F4, the cursor was lost after saving the file and switching back to Total Commander (64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Starting standalone sync tool with parameter /O=%L no longer worked in 10.51, only a workaround /O=O=%L (which is still working) (32/64)
30.01.23 Fixed: Viewing files from archives, plugins or ftp failed when the file name had one or more trailing spaces (32/64)
30.01.23 Fixed: Tab order wrong in Synchronize dirs, the new "search filter" button (labeled e.g. 1x, 2x etc.) was at the end of the tab order (64)
30.01.23 Fixed: No per file icon images for .ico files were shown on Windows 11, due to file association with Windows app (32/64)
30.01.23 Fixed: Access violation on command cd c:\path\archive.zip when ZipMagic=0 set in wincmd.ini (32/64)
30.01.23 Added: Search with "Everything": Support search in indexed subfolders, e.g. when only F:\subdir1 is indexed and the search starts in it or below, e.g. in F:\subdir1\subdir2 (32/64)
30.01.23 Fixed: Recycle bin support detection: Look in Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BitBucket\Volume AND ...\BitBucket\KnownFolder for all drive types (32/64)
30.01.23 Added: Lister standalone started via parameters /S=L <file> can now be started minimized (or maximized, already worked previously) (32/64)
27.01.23 Added: Synchronize dirs standalone started via parameters /S=S <dir1> <dir2> can now be started minimized or maximized (32/64)
27.01.23 Fixed: Branch view (Ctrl+B): When deleting files from multiple directories to recycle bin, the user was asked twice to confirm (only with VistaDelete not set, and delete confirmation disabled in recycle bin itself) (32/64)
26.01.23 Fixed: Prevent deadlock for some users by calling RegisterForShellNotifiations via PostMessage to the main window (32/64)
25.01.23 Added: Ignore list for file system plugins match partial path up to \*\, e.g. Pluginname:\connectionname\dir\*\*.txt (32/64)
25.01.23 Added: Ignore list now supports entries for file system plugins: *:filter for all plugins or pluginname:filter for a specific plugin (32/64)
25.01.23 Added: Pack files, "Multiple disk archive": remember last chosen size per part in wincmd.ini [Configuration] SplitBytesPerFileZip (32/64)
25.01.23 Fixed: Allow to open protected directories like windows\temp also via button bar, start menu, and command line (with confirmation on first call) (32/64)
25.01.23 Fixed: Custom columns view: Enforce maximum number of 32 columns (in addition to name and extension) when loading and configuring custom columns (32/64)
06.01.23 Added: Compare by content standalone started via parameters /S=C <file1> <file2> can now be started minimized or maximized (32/64)
06.01.23 Added: Lister standalone started via parameters /S=L <file> can now be started maximized, e.g. via a Desktop shortcut (32/64)
06.01.23 Fixed: Create shortcuts (lnk files) to folders with Ctrl+Shift+F5: Clicking "Skip" didn't just skip that link, it aborted the entire operation (32/64)
04.01.23 Fixed: File operation - Background: Adjust widths of "number of files" and "copied size" fields dynamically, so they don't overlap if possible (32/64)
02.01.23 Fixed: Prevent crashes when reading folder thumbnails with RAW images (32/64)
28.12.22 Fixed: Blake3 checksum calculation crashed on old PCs without SSE2 instructions, e.g. Pentium III. The change has no negative effect on newer PCs (32)
26.12.22 Added: High speed unpacking now also of multi-volume ZIP archives (32/64)
22.12.22 Added: High speed packing and unpacking with modified libdeflate now also of GZIP files (but not tar.gz) (32/64)
21.12.22 Added: File system plugins can now report links to folders as dwReserved0=S_IFLNK and dwFileAttributes=FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY to sort them with folders (used by Cloud plugin). Only do this when plugin interface version is >= 2.11! Otherwise links will be deleted with their destination! (32/64)
16.12.22 Added: High speed packing and unpacking of ZIP files with modified libdeflate library (32/64)
07.12.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Browsing for folders via >> button now scrolls current folder into view (32/64)
07.12.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Browsing for folders via >> button no longer worked on Windows 11, the function only showed the desktop and nothing else (32/64)
история изменений
Процедура лечения:
  1. Установить программу
  2. Скопировать wincmd.key в папку с установленной программой.
Изменения в релизе:
Обновлены цифровые подписи tcmd1100x64.exe и tcmd1100x32_64.exe

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post 05-Авг-23 20:49 (спустя 21 час)

Единственное отличие между предыдущей и этой раздачами, изменение файла TOTALCMD64.EXE.
3 августа в него добавили забытую цифровую подпись без какого-либо изменения функциональности. Все остальное осталось таким же, что и в предыдущей раздаче.

Текущее время: 02-Июн 07:17

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