
Скачать торрент Spacebase DF-9 (Double Fine Productions ) (ENG) v.1.06

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aka Rasputin

post 01-Июн-14 20:11

Год выпуска: 2014
Жанр: Strategy, Simulator
Разработчик: Double Fine Productions
Издательство: Double Fine Productions
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: ENG
Язык озвучки: отсутствует
Тип издания: v.1.06
Таблэтка: не требуется

    Системные требования:
    Операционная система:
    Windows XP
    Windows 7 SP1
    Core 2 Duo or Higher
    Core 2 Duo or Higher
    2 GB RAM
    2 GB RAM
    200 MB HD space
    200 MB HD space
    Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384 MB of RAM
    NVidia GeForce 9800 GTX+ or higher

    Spacebase DF-9 предлагает Вам построить поселение в космосе, где одна роковая ошибка может привести к гибели всего экипажа, ведь за бортом открытый космос. Начните игру с распределения работы, изучите параметры Ваших подопечных и назначьте им работу, смотрите за их моральным и физическим состоянием, изучайте корабль, стройте новые объекты и комнаты.

    Разработчики обещают сделать Dwarf Fortress в космосе. С такой же глубокой социальной системой, где колонисты могут наживать себе врагов и друзей, общаться друг с другом, ссориться, совершать преступления и тому подобное. С предметами колонисты будут поступать так, как им заблагорассудится — торговать, обменивать или выкидывать за ненадобностью. Разработчики говорят, что в вещах вся суть. И вообще человек без предметов был бы не человеком.

    Помимо этакой космической The Sims, где нельзя управлять героями, есть случайные события, напоминающие Faster Than Light. Иногда может прилететь корабль с рейдерами и устроить погром на вашей базе. А бывает, что с вашей станцией стыкуется дружественное судно, экипаж которого не хочет зла.
    А еще всё слегка похоже на Space Station 13, но только вы в роли создателя карт и капитана. Ну и, конечно же, грех будет не вспомнить Space Colony,
    которая на самом деле намного ближе к Spacebase, чем все остальные игры. Даже концепция примерно одинакова. Что только события разворачиваются
    непосредственно в космосе, а не на планете.

    Прототип игры был создан за две недели для конкурса Double Fine’s Amnesia Fortnight 2012.

Launch Trailer



    • Mods can now be loaded via ZIP files from the Mods subdirectory of the game's install directory. Each ZIP is loaded as a simple virtual file system which can contain directories that mirror the main game scripts and override their behavior. A file called "init.lua" in the top level of each ZIP's directory structure will run when the mod is loaded, allowing you to perform any needed initialization. See the MyDemoObject.zip there for a simple example mod, which adds a new buildable object with its own artwork.
    • Arrow keys now pan view same as WASD keys.
    • "show_hints" flag added to bootconfig.cfg, set it false to disable the Hint system entirely.
    • Fixed: Unsuited citizens in a vacuum don't enter "sucked into space" immediately.
    • Fixed: Turrets don't spawn in derelicts and docking ships as intended.
    • Fixed: Various UI issues when resizing game window.
    • Fixed: Held weapons don't appear correctly on spacesuited characters.
    • Fixed: Research datacubes don't display properly.
    • Fixed: Ships dock onto pending construction.
    • Fixed: Base Seed Pod can start encased in an asteroid.
    • Fixed: Turrets don't display properly when scanning for threats.
    • Fixed: Raiders kill people imprisoned in brigs.
    • Fixed: Ship engines don't sort correctly with nearby walls.

    • Fixed: Citizens no longer place stuff on shelves, always have "stuff" need unsatisfied.
    • Fixed: Dropped ore disappears.
    • Fixed: Various rare crashes.

    • Completely rebalanced the galaxy map. Where you choose to build a new base matters a lot more now.
    • Raiders will no longer attack and destroy Airlock Suit Lockers - leads to too many obnoxious situations.
    • Tuned hint message priority and visibility durations.
    • Each entry in EnvObjectData.lua can now specify a sprite sheet, making it possible to create custom objects with new sprite sheets.
    • Fixed: Visible doors in unexplored derelicts always appear as broken airlock doors.
    • Fixed: Goals and base stats aren't wiped when starting a new game.
    • Fixed: Incapacitated hostiles prevent room claiming.
    • Fixed: Alerts display for hidden non-citizen illnesses, allowing you to select them in unknown territory.
    • Fixed: Player can drag camera while dragging new construction in Construct mode.

    • Hide back walls in construct mode when cutaway view is enabled.
    • Clearer visuals for Tear Down vs Vaporize wall tile orders.
    • If user tries to save during an event, save happens once event has run. Prevents various event state bugs.
    • Balance: Difficulty ramps up over slower time, final siege takes longer to happen.
    • Fixed: Security sometimes doesn't respond to Beacon in correct numbers.
    • Fixed: Tutorial conditions aren't completed when keyboard shortcuts are used.
    • Fixed: Final siege goal triggers prematurely.
    • Fixed: "Ghost helmets" appear on citizens during certain animations.
    • Fixed: Turrets don't attack hostiles in some cases.
    • Fixed: Some AI issues relating to survival situations.
    • Fixed: WASD keys function in full-screen menus.
    • Fixed: Pathfinding crash.
    • Fixed: Can't place weight benches.
    • Fixed: Crash building or hovering some objects.
    • Fixed: Time doesn't pause when starting a new game.
    • Fixed: Tutorial doesn't load correctly when selecting Outpost EZ-101 in Galaxy Map with resized window.

    Major Features / Enhancements
    • New Tutorial Mode teaches basic game concepts. Access Tutorial Mode by selecting “Learn to Play” from the pause menu or by picking Tutorial Outpost EZ-101 on the Galaxy Map.
    • New Goals Screen tracks player progress towards persistent goals, such as “50 citizens on base”, “Researched all technologies”, etc.
    • Later in the game hostile forces now show up in greater numbers and combinations, culminating in a visit from the Pirate Megafleet once your base becomes successful enough. Survive the onslaught to complete the game’s hardest goal.
    Minor Improvements / Bug Fixes
    • All “Famous Citizen” tier customer names added to Credits and random citizen name pool.
    • Disaster Menu can be enabled with a secret key combination and used to unleash disasters on your base.
    • Many new sound effects, including crowd noises in rooms based on their current population.
    • Many small UI polish items. Look and feel of UI in the Citizen/Zone/Object Inspectors is now more consistent.
    • Brig and Residence assignment UI improvements: X button to clear an assignment, clicking the assignment button a second time cancels out of pick mode.
    • "Execute" button in citizen action tab causes security to immediately target this citizen. Use responsibly!
    • Asteroids are treated like walls for the purposes of object placement.
    • Citizens who are sleeping in beds that get destroyed wake up and become annoyed.
    • Clicking an object in the Contents section of a container’s Stats Tab selects it.
    • Improved mouse wheel, middle mouse, and keyboard view zoom behaviors.
    • Vaporizing a wall with an object hanging on it vaporizes the object and refunds its matter.
    • Dropped research datacubes will preserve their “claimed for research” state. Scientists will try to drop them off somewhere in the base even if there isn’t a Research Lab.
    • Citizens flee when someone is having a tantrum nearby.
    • Emergency Alarms in rooms with no/disabled alarm panels turn off.
    • Price of Dark Matter Reactor increased from 450 to 600.
    • Tooltip for a research datacube shows the blueprint it contains.
    • New Spaceface logs: cuffed, escaped from brig, needs shelving, security starts exploring a beacon, security finishes exploring a beacon.
    • Duty skill increases when morale is high, up to a 25% bonus per duty task.
    • Security citizens take their helmets off if they get into a brawl with another citizen.
    • "Flavor" text and descriptions for all objects that were lacking them.
    • Start new bases with time paused.
    • Balance: Many small changes to citizen morale and duty efficiency.
    • Balance: Turret damage output increased.
    • Balance: Buildable objects are more resilient.
    • Fixed: Dozens of crashes and AI issues.
    • Fixed: Scrollable views such as the Job Roster don’t display correctly in non-16:9 aspect ratios.
    • Fixed: Decals remain after a tile is vaporized.
    • Fixed: On loading a savegame, citizens who were sleeping are awake and restart their sleep cycle.
    • Fixed: White helmets display on citizens when playing certain animations.
    • Fixed: Citizens exercise, play games, and hang out in functioning airlocks.
    • Fixed: Lower right UI buttons shift to left even if there are not enough alerts to warrant this.
    • Fixed: Job Roster columns highlight on hover incorrectly.
    • Fixed: Non-citizens in unclaimed derelicts do not react to dangerous situations.
    • Fixed: Botanists do not repair damaged or destroyed hydroponics cultures.
    • Fixed: Citizen talk and thought bubbles do not draw correctly.
    • Fixed: Exiting Job Roster / Research Assignment screens minimizes the Hint pane.
    • Fixed: Killbots bleed.
    • Fixed: Killbots get sick.
    • Fixed: Player can hover and select some objects or rooms within hidden areas.
    • Fixed: Security duty citizens flee in rooms with active alarms while doing certain tasks.
    • Fixed: Removed debug power visualization mode.
    • Fixed: Security Beacon location isn’t preserved across save+load.
    • Fixed: Flipped text on the Alarm Panel.
    • Fixed: Turrets in space can’t be deactivated.
    • Fixed: Breach ships don’t play VFX when taking damage or exploding.
    • Fixed: Text overlaps UI in several miscellaneous places.
    • Fixed: Matter counts up/down from previous session’s total when starting a new base.

    Alpha 6e:
    • Gourmand citizens are angered less by eating replicator food.
    • Fixed: Various crashes.

    Alpha 6d:
    • Scientist job failure anger reduced drastically.
    • Room tool drag sizing guide now includes Reactor.
    • Fixed: Various crashes.
    • Fixed: Brig walls are purple on OSX.

    Alpha 6c:
    • Starting base colonists get along better now and enjoy Builder duty so they’re less likely to get angry or sad during the early base construction phase.
    • Fixed: A few crash fixes.
    • Fixed: Minor AI issues.
    • Fixed: Can’t unassign people from Brigs.
    • Fixed: Corpses don’t get cleaned up properly.
    • Fixed: Parasites can be assigned to Brigs. We’d like to resolve this in a cooler way in the future.
    • Fixed: UI bugs in Citizen Action Tab.
    Alpha 6b:
    • Brawl frequency has been further reduced based on feedback and obversation: positive citizen morale/affinity/temperament now directly works against negative factors, and final computed brawl chance has been halved on top of this.
    • Fixed: Various crashes.

    Alpha 6a:
    • Brawl frequency has been reduced. Only citizens who are some combination of angry, demoralized, bad-tempered, or dislike each other will brawl now.
    • Fixed: Numerous crashes.

    Alpha 6:
    Major Features / Enhancements
    • Power is now required for base equipment to function. The Base Seed serves as a basic starting power reactor, and additional Fusion and Dark Matter Reactors can be built (with enough Matter and Research) to satisfy each object's "power draw". Power flows across connected rooms rather than any kind of wiring system.
    • Citizens can become angry. Anger builds up over time with unsatisfactory events such as poor job performance, unpleasant social interactions, violence nearby, bad food, etc. Angry citizens who dislike each other may brawl, fighting until incapacitated. When a citizen's anger gets high enough they may have a violent or (depending on their personality) non-violent outburst, attacking people or sabotaging base equipment.
    • Citizens can be detained in Brig zones. Detained citizen anger dissipates over time, but at a cost of removing them from normal citizen life and the work force. Doors will not open for detained citizens. If doors lose power, detained citizens may escape.
    • Citizens now own and carry possessions. They become attached to their possessions, display them on available shelving, and trade for possessions they like more with other citizens. Citizen affinity for a given possession is based on its qualities such as color, material, shape, etc.
    • Citizens have affinities for different duties, shown as smiley faces in the Roster and Duty Tab. Citizens will perform any duty they're assigned, but may become unhappy over time if they're stuck with a duty they don't like. Likewise, citizens doing a duty they love is good for morale and causes their skills to improve faster.
    • Objects and Rooms now have a Command Tab, which can be used to issue commands relating to what's selected. Objects can be torn down or reclaimed for research, power-consuming objects can be deactivated.
    • Citizens can now be assigned to beds in Residence zones. Citizens will always prefer to use an assigned bed, and are happier for doing so. Citizens will use shelving to display their possessions.
    Minor Improvements / Bug Fixes
    • Changes in individual citizen needs and morale are now tracked via graphs in the Psych Profile Tab.
    • Objects now have an About Tab that contains miscellaneous non-essential information about the object's use, history, or context in the Spacebase universe.
    • Placing a zone-specific object such as an Oxygen Recycler in an unzoned room will now "auto-zone" that room to its intended function.  Tooltip conveys that this will result on click.
    • The Beacon menu can now set the desired level of Security response for Beacons and other combat situations: on Non-Lethal, security will always attempt to subdue targets using Stun weapons; on Necessary Force security will meet deadly force with deadly force; on Lethal security will always use deadly force in any situation.
    • Tooltips on Beacons show the current response level and target.
    • Turrets still default to only target hostiles but can be set to target all characters in their Command Tab.
    • Selecting an unassigned citizen opens the Duty Tab by default.
    • Security forces waiting for backup at a Beacon set to >1 will display "Waiting for Backup" as their current task.
    • Citizen Spaceface logs now comment on people they know and interesting objects in their surroundings.
    • Plants don't grow in rooms with no light.
    • Sparks appear briefly when a Technician fails at a maintenance task.
    • Move Door to "All Zones" section of Construct menu, Airlock Door to "Airlock" section.
    • Citizens now sometimes play a "startle" animation when a dangerous situation breaks out.
    • Sabotaged turrets fire at everyone.
    • Shift-[ and shift-] cycle selection through objects in a room.
    • Initial 3 settlers from Base Seed start with higher morale and energy, and lower hunger.
    • Raiders wreck breakable objects if there are no citizens around to attack.
    • Citizens double over wheezing if they have a bad illness.
    • Object tooltips now show owner where applicable. Room tooltips now show bed capacity where applicable.
    • A basic "quick start" mode has been added which allows you to start with a small pre-built base. Access it by selecting the bottom right corner of the galaxy map on the New Base screen.
    • Fixed: Morale shouldn't change while asleep.
    • Fixed: Various overflow issues on UI text.
    • Fixed: Citizen names appear on cooked meals.

    Alpha 5e:
    • Better "flee from oxygen-starved room" behavior.
    • Fixed: Turrets shoot through floors.
    • Fixed: Research assignment crash on reduction in number of research zones.
    • Fixed: Invalid linecodes in event alerts.
    • Fixed: Incapacitated characters in airlocks don't always get healed.
    • Fixed: Characters that get sucked into space spawn corpses.

    Alpha 5d:
    • Fixed: Occasional performance hitches relating to turrets.

    Alpha 5c:
    • Derelicts now “float away” if they remain undiscovered/dimmed for too long.
    • Characters have affinities for rooms, and use them to make decisions.
    • Tweaked wording of “no valid airlock” hint to specify an airlock must be space-facing.
    • Re-added “you can force open an airlock” hint that was accidentally removed.
    • Citizens will treat airlocks with incapacitated citizens as non-functional until a Doctor can heal them.
    • Citizens whose sleep is interrupted still get partial benefit from the amount of time they slept.
    • Starvation happens at lower hunger level (-90).
    • Added some Famous Citizen names to credits and citizen list.
    • Population cap is now stored in the config file. Modify at your own risk!
    • Fixed: Projectiles don’t sort well with their surroundings.
    • Fixed: Issues relating to derelict spawning.
    • Fixed: Unresearched diseases almost never occur.
    • Fixed: All module spawns get identical types & diseases.
    • Fixed: Crash relating to space corpses.
    • Fixed: Wall-mounted props attached to destroyed walls don’t properly construct on load.
    • Fixed: Many pathfinding issues.
    • Fixed: Builder gets stuck trying to build.
    • Fixed: Players receive more matter when they vaporize objects than it costs to build.
    • Fixed: Hang when picking a random conversation topic.
    • Fixed: Citizen inventory isn’t preserved across save/load.
    • Fixed: Builders have trouble vaporizing tiles inside unclaimed rooms.
    • Fixed: Event controller triggers stale events, causing many “ship passed without stopping” messages.

    Spacebase Alpha 5b released:
    Overhauled how needs affect morale. Depression spirals should be less common now.
    Benefits of citizen environment satisfaction to morale now taper off after a point. A citizen will only become ecstatic if everything is going really really great for them.
    Fusion Reactors have been re-enabled in the Construct menu, in anticipation of Alpha 6 which will finally add the Power system. They won’t do anything until then, but this will let you build and plan bases accordingly.
    Doors have moved into the “All Zones” section of the Object menu to make room for the above change.
    Doctors now prioritize corpse cleanup higher than routine check-ups.
    Fixed: Various crashes.
    Fixed: Doctors don’t store citizen health when they treat a broken leg.
    Fixed: Door placement issues.
    Fixed: Various airlock-related issues.
    Fixed: Dead bodies globally affect citizen environment satisfaction, instead of just people in the same room.
    Fixed: Some derelict and hostile immigration events fail silently.
    Fixed: Citizens stop posting Spaceface updates after reaching 100 posts.
    Fixed: First immigration event occurs too soon.
    Fixed: Erroneous “Hostiles have entered your base” alert when a hostile is under your base.
    Fixed: Bad alpha on Spaceface icon.
    Fixed: Citizens spam Spaceface with logs about being on fire and being injured. WE GET IT DUDE IT HURTS.

    Alpha 5:
    Major Features / Enhancements:
      • Turrets can now be constructed on both the interior and exterior of your base. Turrets fire on any hostiles the way a citizen assigned to Security duty would. Turrets have a limited field of fire, so place them carefully.
      • Raiders can now enter your base via Breach Ships, which attach and drill through floors. If you can damage a Breach Ship before its crew reaches your base, you’ll face weaker resistance.
      • A new Malady system allows citizens to be injured and affected by illness. Illnesses can spread from person to person through direct contact or shared contact with world objects such as food replicators. Illnesses can affect different attributes, such as a citizen’s energy levels and sociability. Some illnesses require research in a Research Lab before a cure can be administered. Illnesses have randomly generated names such as Centauri Bat Mumps, Green Cough, and Neo-Australian Scaly Pox.
      • Citizens can now be assigned to Doctor duty. Doctors treat field injuries, scan your citizens for illnesses and treat them if a cure is known.
      • You can now designate rooms as Infirmary zones, where Revivabeds can be built. Doctors use these to treat advanced illnesses and remove parasite infestations.
      • A new Research screen allows you to track global research progress and assign different projects to specific Labs.
      • Citizens can be incapacitated, which prevents them from moving until a Doctor can treat their wounds.
      • Doctors will dispose of dead bodies by recycling them in Matter Refineries.
      • Antiviral Air Scrubbers can now be built in Life Support Zones. These devices reduce the chances of disease transmission in the surrounding area. Multiple devices bring this chance down further, to a non-zero minimum.
      • Characters can now be tagged with Beacons. Security personnel will keep watch over this person if they’re a citizen, or target them for attack if they’re hostile.
      • Characters can now fight in space, firing weapons and performing melee attacks.
      • The game’s event controller system has been overhauled, which orchestrates the timing of events such as invasions, meteor strikes, new citizens immigrating, etc. Game pacing should be improved, and difficulty should ramp over time: more dangerous events, such as large numbers of enemies with tougher weapons, will only happen later in a base’s lifetime.
      • When a new ship hails your base, a window no longer pops up to force a response. Instead, you receive an alert and can choose whether to respond to it or not. Likewise, the camera does not force-move to any new ships that appear.
      • The Windows version of Spacebase now uses the SDL2 video/audio/input library used by Broken Age, which fixes a variety of hardware compatibility issues. All versions use SDL2 for input handling now, removing dependency on the older FreeGLUT library.
      • The game now launches into a new pause screen, welcoming the player with a Message of the Day.

  • Игра обновлена до версии 1.06

Spacebase DF-9 v.1.06.torrent
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171 KB

Статус: проверено (by _xatab_ в 22-Ноя-14 21:07)
Зарегистрирован: 22-Ноя-14 16:49
Скачан: 268 раз
Размер: 236 MB | 
Скачать Spacebase DF-9 (Double Fine Productions ) (ENG) v.1.06 торрент

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post 02-Июн-14 04:05 (спустя 7 часов)

zog перевод будет делать кто нибудь знает ?

aka Rasputin

post 02-Июн-14 11:27 (спустя 7 часов)

пока игра в альфе, то вряд ли. Тема есть на ЗОГе, но переводить пока никто не переводит. Возможно, кто-то другой займется.


post 02-Июн-14 11:28 (спустя 1 минута)

Надо будет попробовать, Double Fine всегда необычные и интересные игрушки делали. :)

aka Rasputin

post 06-Июл-14 15:58 (спустя 1 месяц 4 дня)

  • Игра обновлена до версии alpha v.5b
    Идёт работа над alpha 6


post 06-Июл-14 16:09 (спустя 11 минут)

Жалко русика нет.

aka Rasputin
Аватарка адовая, теперь где постер к этой игре увижу - тебя вспоминаю. :)

aka Rasputin

post 09-Июл-14 14:53 (спустя 2 дня 22 часа)

Ц KURKULES писал(а):

Аватарка адовая

aka Rasputin

post 04-Авг-14 14:06 (спустя 25 дней)

  • Игра обновлена до версии alpha v.5e


post 14-Сен-14 22:50 (спустя 1 месяц 10 дней)

6 Альфа вышла
Скрытый текст

aka Rasputin

post 15-Сен-14 23:04 (спустя 1 день)

  • Игра обновлена до версии alpha v.6e
Spacebase DF-9 // Intro to Alpha 6



post 16-Сен-14 11:52 (спустя 12 часов)

Только у меня игра вылетает при старте новой игры?


post 16-Сен-14 20:21 (спустя 8 часов)

как людей тюрьму сажать подскажите.


post 09-Окт-14 17:37 (спустя 22 дня)

Шикарная игра!
учитывая сколько еще возможностей недоступно..мммм :)
нужно обязательно покупать.

нужно построить спец зону(предпоследняя снизу вроде)
После того как вражину вразумили но не убили - выбираем его и будет доступна 1 кнопка, тыкаем на неё и на зону тюрьмы.
После отсидки перейдет на вашу строну(не забудьте убрать зону)

aka Rasputin

post 01-Ноя-14 19:27 (спустя 23 дня)

  • Вышла полная версия!
Spacebase Launch Trailer



post 01-Ноя-14 20:20 (спустя 52 минуты)

хм пробнем, играл в нее когда альфач был


post 01-Ноя-14 20:22 (спустя 1 минута)

aka Rasputin, поправь цвет Changelog'a, а то глаз выколи!)
За релиз спс! ;)

aka Rasputin

post 01-Ноя-14 20:27 (спустя 5 минут)

верно, косяк :good:


post 01-Ноя-14 21:06 (спустя 38 минут)

по типу дварф фортесс только в касмасе :)


post 01-Ноя-14 21:21 (спустя 15 минут)

финальный релиз уже?! про русик ничего не слышно, а то в таких играх базового может не хватить.


post 01-Ноя-14 23:44 (спустя 2 часа 23 минуты)

Чёт не запускается. Ни с экзэшника в корневом каталоге, ни из папки "bin"

Текущее время: 02-Июн 12:53

Часовой пояс: GMT + 3

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